
This document has been transcribed, but is currently awaiting cultural approval before publishing. To enquire about access to this document, please contact the Holding Institution

This document contains references to the following people, places, and cultural groups



Cultural Groups

Document Details

Date 1904 - 1882
Letter From
Letter To
Author Aldridge, Harry Edgar
Country Australia
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 17
Medium Notes
Locality Maryborough
Summary "Brief note citing information from other sources on language in various areas. Author gives the names of languages spoken by a number of groups. Bottom of paper signed ""H E Aldridge"". Much of the correspondence between Harry Aldridge and A.W. Howitt occurred between 1882 and 1904."
Physical Description Notes, handwritten, undated. One foolscap sheet, one page. Good condition.