Howitt to Andrew Lang 1 September 1902

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Document Details

Date 1-Sep-02
Letter From Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Letter To Lang, Andrew
Country England
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 226
Medium Letter
Locality Kensington
Summary Response to Andrew Lang's origin of totemism theory and a general discussion of social organisation. Interestingly the letter was written by A.W. Howitt, sent to Lang, annotated by Lang and sent back to Howitt.
Physical Description Letter, typed, with sections underlined, and annotated in ink. Complete, but pages numbered 11 to 19 (top right). Annotated by A. Lang. Discussion of A. Lang's and A.W. Howitt's theories on social organisation. Condition: thin paper, slightly brittle, and tattered along lower edges.