Office of
Board for Protection of Aborigines
Sydney, 18th September, 1907
Dear Sir,
In reply to your note of the 6th, I beg
to inform you that the following are the names of the
Managers of the stations mentioned, vis:-
Brewarrina - Mr H E Hockey
Brungle - [ditto] J. M. Hubbard
Cumeroogunga - [ditto] G. H. Harris
Walhallow, Liverpool Plains [ditto] Bruce Ferguson
There is only one station in the locality mentioned
by you, viz. Walhallow, via Quirindi
I have referred your query regarding the Full-
bloods on Cumeroogunga to Mr Harris, for reply.
Yours faithfully,
R H Beardsmore
A. W. Howitt, Esq.,
Metung, Vic
[written in left margin]