Beardsmore to Howitt 2/10/1907

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Document Details

Date 2-Oct-07
Letter From Beardsmore, R H
Letter To Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Colony/State New South Wales
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 28
Medium Letter
Locality Sydney
Summary Letter from Board for the Protection of Aborigines on letterhead. Covering letter with request for information to be returned. Refers to reports from Supt. Webb, which have been returned by A.W. Howitt as requested by R.H. Beardsmore in the letter. Letter is dated 2nd October 1907 and annotations are dated 14/10/1907.
Physical Description Letter, handwritten on letterhead. One sheet, one page. Annotations top of letter in A.W. Howitt's hand. Good condition