Natives Tribes of South East Australia response to R H Mathews

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Document Details

Date 1908 - 1906
Letter From
Letter To
Author Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 453
Medium Article
Summary Response to articles by R.H. Mathews in 'American Antiquarian', relating to social organisation and marriage rules. Other headings are: 'Tribes of Western Victoria' p.3, p.14; 'Remarks on the present condition of the Tribes in question' p.9; and 'The Kamilaroi Tribes' p.13.
Physical Description Draft article, handwritten in ink, undated. Twenty two sheets - some with slips of paper adhered to the main sheet - & one loose slip of paper. With annotations and corrections. Pages of text 'struck through' with vertical pencilled lines. Condition: thin paper; slightly brittle with tattered edges; stained from adhesive.