A (9)
As connected with magic, or rather with the supernatural, [the - crossed out]
[following song may serve- crossed out] Kurburu song serves as an example. It brings into view a
curious belief in some supernatural connection [supernaturally - crossed out] between beasts
and man which is found in so many Australian [beliefs] legends and tales.
It was composed and sung by a bard named Kurburu who lived
many years ago in the early days of the settlement of the county
by the whites, near where the town of Berwick now stands [in the - crossed out]
[Western Port District - crossed out]. He was supposed to have killed a "native
bear" [(Note) Phascolarctos cinereus- crossed out] and being possessed
by its spirit (murup) henceforth chaunted its song.
Kurburu's Song
Enaguroa nung ngalourma
There now cut-a-cross
barein gurukba murnein
track blood ?
burunbai nganungba
hurt myself
lilira muringa
[chipped tomahawk (with). (Note_ - crossed out] I was not
able to obtain a satisfactory verbatim translation of this song.
The singer, Berak, gave me the following free translation, "You
across my track, you spilled my blood, and broke your toma-
hawk on me.
The time with two short sticks, while an appreciative
ring audience stood round
Umbara's Song
Galagala binja buninga ngali
Capsizing me striking me
winbelow jena ngarauan udja
(the) wind blows hard (the) sea long stretched
kandubai buninga melinthi buninga
between striking hard hitting striking
ngali mulari binja buninga
me dashing up me striking