The Be-yu Relation

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Document Details

Date 1908 - 1880
Letter From
Letter To
Author Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 544
Medium Notes
Summary "Content largely relates to rules of marriage amongst groups in New South Wales. Discusses marriage rules regarding the 'Mukwara"" and ""Kilpara"" and also discuss betrothal rules and exchange of wives."
Physical Description Notes, handwritten in ink, undated. Seven quarto sheets & two slips of paper. This item appears to be two sets of documents on the same subject. The first five pages - numbered 1-5 - belong to the heading on the first page 'The Be-yu Relation'. The sixth page - sub-headed 'Marriage Rule' - and seventh page are numbered 1 & 2 (respectively); the following slip of paper is headed 'Marriage Rule 1' (top right), and the last slip appears to follow. Annotations and corrections throughout. Condition: good.