Handwritten notes

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This document contains references to the following people, places, and cultural groups



Cultural Groups

Document Details

Date 1908 - 1904
Letter From
Letter To
Author Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 705
Medium Article
Summary Content relating the effects of occupation in Victoria on traditional lifestyles and customs and provides descriptions of a number of cultural groups in New South Wales. A.W. Howitt refers to information from sources including R.H. Beardsmore - Secretary to the Board for Protection of Aborigines; Miss May Benson - Brenda Station on the Culgoa River; Mr Hockey - Station Manager at Brewarrina; and E. M. Curr.
Physical Description Draft article, handwritten in ink, undated. Possibly incomplete as a no covering page with title or date present. Seven quarto sheets, seven pages. Numbered 2 to 8. Condition: good.