Gippsland blacks beyond
Beyond Geelong are the
long way off country
yarŭk or yarūk = messenge stick
as a present.
Ngŭrrŭngait - makes them.
mangūrt = ball
[next page]
mūrūp - gives the songs
to Doctors.
Kŭr būrū - told Kūlin at
Bunyip he found that
Berbira coming and
to keep a look out then.
This man was
Bunjil - Kŭr būrū
the Mūrŭp of this
Kurbŭru told him
This was the man's
personal name.
This bear had been
killed and his
Mūrŭp had gone into
the Blackfellow.
Then the Mūrŭp
would give him a