After I was made tallunjŭn
about a year after old
Billy Lonsdale gave me
a pair of possums on a
stick and said - then
now you can eat old
woman possum. --------------
wirra-rap = doctor
mūng = rock crystal
[?take?] it one and
says that belonging to
ngarrang. [(Brewin) - crossed out]
wirrarap sends mūng
like a little wind along
the ground - then you
feel chilly - then pain
then short breath
then a wirrarap says
Have you got a
[next page]
lot of mūng there?
A lot of wirra rap then
come and draw it out.
The Mūng is carried
in nŭtba (bag).
Any one can give a
Murriwun - with some of
a man's hair + fat of
Emu fat, or any fat
Kalbŭn-e- mŭrri wŭn
broke - murriwun.
Bunjil was like an old
man he called all
the blacks to him amd
said we will not
stop here we will call
go up with the clouds