Larry [??] says
that the Big fellow is called
Kurnaitalŭng or Kurnai manjettet
or mungan. The "gama" an
[unable to read this line] Mŭk Kŭrnai
[?make?] them first. He is also called
Mŭk gweraeil Kŭrnai.
gūndarūng - [?back way?]
Darrat - bay
[?withdrawn?] + sick
Billy McLeod, Lamby, Billy Clark, [two to three names here too faint to read] Larry
Jimmy Fidgett, King Charley, [??], [??]. Big Joe, [??], [?Tommy ??]
Toby, [??] [??] [??]
Prince, Johnny + Charly Rivers, Andrew
Roderick, Johnny Cooper
Whose lang is this - Wūthana-darat mingie?
more - ngathalū
what [?lang?] name is from Wathuna magin ngu?
what [written under Wathuna] for [written under magin]
next page
[?Bŭlnjai-gartba?] I want to cry
nūkun what for
Ngalli [diaka - crossed out] [?meat?]
yuathi diakatta - give me some meat
yuguatia ngai
[Sketch takes up rest of page]