(28) Buckley speaks of "ants"
? grubs- are these Yauarng
- if so what are yauarng
[Line across page]
(29) What is Wambat - in
the Geelong language
Buckley says norngnor.
[Line across page]
(30) Cannibalism -
Killing enemies & roasting
parts of their flesh
[Line across page]
(31) Where is the river
[crossed out - Kaar] Karaaf
[next page]
(32) Does William
know a story about
Bunjil making two men
of clay [crossed out - figures], one with straight
hair called Berrookboon
- one with curley hair called
Kookinkerook. -
(33) Look up what Brough
Smyth says about
Bunjil +c -
33A Eating children