Translation [size?] Charleys Plate
Thoona Wanjinata Brabolong Kroathun
To tell or give notice I have got Tribes
Ngiu wanjani Brabolong kanju
are mine having taken Tribe
Ditta wangu blata
with this Plate
I suppose the true translation would be
I inform the Brabolong and Kroathun Blacks
that they are mine, having taken the
Brabolong with this Plate.
That is the Snowy River Blacks were Charleys
before but now that he as got a plate
from you he claims the Brabolong as well.
With regard to your second paper I
will get the totems &c shortly I give answers
to a few questions in that paper.
6. A young man Brewit always provided food
for his father and his family generally
with regard to the Bullitwrang he
had to provide food for the young man
the meaning of the term Bullitwrang
literally is over a duck and referred
to the painting white round the eyes
making them look like a black duck
or wrang.
7. When a girl ran off with a young man
it was her Mother + Fathers business to
look after her. In case she were caught
by her own friends she would not become
common property but if caught by
others she would be used by all.
8. In case a widower had a sister in law
Lambys [This might be scanned from another page]