of your Father and Mr Fison, and
they have accepted the proposal on
condition that I undertake to
choose and edit the papers and to
prefix a biographical notice of the
authors. I am quite willing to
do so. Macmillan would undertake
all the risks and expenses and
would divide the profits with the
authors' families, with whom in
all pecuniary matters they would
deal direct, not through me.
Do you approve of this proposal?
If you do, and Mr
Fison's family approves also, I
would propose to include all
the papers mentioned by Dr
Howitt in the preface to his
book (pp. VIII-IX) together with
the followign papers:
1) "Remarks on the Class Systems
collected by Mr Palmer", Journal of
the Anthropological Institute [underlined], XIII
(1884) pp. 335-346.
2) "The Dieri", Journal of the Anthrop.
Inst. XX (1891) pp. 30-104