Greenway to Howitt 2/July/1901

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Transcription - Page 1

Howard ham
Tarro Hunter River
2d July 1901

Mr A. W. Howitt
"Steanor" Finch Street
East Malverne [sic] Vict

Dear Sir
I have to ask your for
-giveness for leaving so long an
interval to elapse between the
receival of your letter of 18th Apr
and my reply. I have been
much away from home and
your letter has been overland
inadvertently therefore [??]
my attention.

I am at present, and for
some time past have been en
gaged in writing matter re

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Document Details

Date 2-Jul-01
Letter From Greenway, C. C.
Letter To Howitt, Alfred William
Country Australia
Colony/State New South Wales
Holding Institution State Library of Victoria
Collection Name
Registration Number MS9356/156
Medium Letter
Region Hunter Valley
Locality Tarro
Summary MS 9356 [Series] Correspondence and notes concerning aboriginal tribes - Aboriginal tribes of New South Wales . [Sub Series] Kamilaroi tribe [Item Title] Letter from C. C. Greenway to A. W. Howitt. [Summary note] Howard Lane, Tarro, Hunter River. 3 pages. 1901 July 2. Box 1050 [Folder] 2(b) [State Library Victoria record 2018]
Physical Description Handwritten, signed and dated. Annotation by Howitt.