After the rain was over Buddha stopped on a rock
and xxx sat down whilst he dried his robe xx the
stripe of the garments are as visible as if newly done xx
so that in looking at it, it appears as if the garment had
not been removed and if one were asked to do it , as if
the trace may be lifted up - Boodhist –books
of the Western World - Trübners Oriental Series
pl 1– xcv. ——————
Buckley says "their notion of the origin of fire is this, that as a native woman
was digging at an ant hill one day, for the purpose of getting
their eggs for eating, a crow flying over her dropped something
like dry grass which immediately blazed and set a tree on fire.
For this reason they very much respect the WaaKee as they call the bird
and do not kill and eat him unless pressed by necessity.