[49b - crossed out]
Capt Turnbull lived where the Bushe Inn is near the
Ganangil Hill. Barak's mother came from there. Barak's
father's mother was Turnbull's sister. Turnbull was Bunjil
Barak father mother Bunjil — Turnbull Bunjil
Barak father Waa
Barak Waa
Billybillary married Turnbull's sister — He was Waa.
Turnbull + Billebillary were mates. Ningūlabŭl =
stone tomahawk.
Turnbull had charge of the stone tomahawk place
Mukjeak was called by Woiworung Nŭl lŭrp
The Quarak is called by [?Harry Steven?] - also Lūmbarak