Wotjoballuk Tribe Wimmera River Victoria
F Primary class subclasses Totem
A Krokitch 1 2 3
B Gamutch 4 5 6
These class divisions extend in slight dialect variaations from Mt Gambier
to north of Lake Hindmarsh where they come
in contact with the subjoined class divisions
in which Krokitch= and
Gamutch =
They are [??] in having 6 [?cut down?]
Tribe Darling River N.S.W.
Primary classes Totems
These class divisions also in slight dialectic
forms extend throughout the course of the
Darling River; to the west of it to the Barrier
and Grey Ranges; to the East about as far
as the junction of the Murray + Murrumbidgee
and for some distance up the Lachan River [sic];
where it comes in contact with the following
type of class division - that of the well known Kamilaroy
tribes. To the north the boundary of these
two classes is probably about ?
Gwydyr Rv [Warijeri - crossed out] 1 Tribe [Murrumbidgee River - crossed out]
A 1 2
B 3 4
[written in left side column]
1 quote report
The class [??]
is as follows:-
2 quote in first