[transcription of article from the Argus newspaper, 12/12/1881, p. 5]
Burial at Mordialluk [Heading underlined]
A few days ago when the railway labourers were cleaning away
a sandhill near the site of the Mordialluk railway station
they uncovered the skeletons of three aboriginals, who had been
buried there. Each of the skeletons was in a sitting posture.
One was that of a warrior, who had his spear buried with him;
the others appeared appeared to be remains of women. From the
circumstance that a clay pipe was found beside one of the
smaller skeletons, the last burial must have taken
place since the colonization of the Port Philip district.
The remains are in the possession of Mr J.P. Madden, district
Engineer of the line who if they should be considered
of any value to the National Museum, will hand
them over to the director of that institution. The teeth in
in the skull of the male aboriginal were all perfect,
but there was a central tooth missing from the
upper jaw belonging to each of the other skeletons.
The three figures were in a row about 6 ft
apart and the heads had depth of 2 ft of sand over
The Argus. Monday Dec 12. 1881.