Umbara's song made where coming in his
boat from [Wallagalel - crossed out] ? Wolloga [sic] lake to the mouth of the
Bega River.
galla galla binja būnínga ngallí
capsize me striking this on (me)
Winbelon jena ngairauan ūdjá
wind blows hard sea long stretched
Kándŭbai būnnînga ma
between beating me
(That is the wind above, and the sea below)
Mélindthi būninga
hit hard striking
Nelli yáral mūlari
me water dash up bija būninga
me beat me
And this song
Wagoura jenna burnaga
crow this one Iguana
djamoulinga jenna wabéwantla
me tell this me returns go home
long way
Apple tree = Angophera sp? = kū-nŭmbŭr