ask Murray Jack
World Props. The earth
[ditto] sky
[ditto] beyond
Ghosts - (1) Is it "dullabin". English meaning of dullabon?
(2) Where goes after death; along road to meet Daramulun?
haunt bush? eat food? warm at fires?
(3) Is there a [?mūrŭp?] which present in sleep?
(4) What are dreams.
(5) Suppose a boy could see ghosts would he become
a wizard?
Burial how was grave made + corpse buried - was it
in costume and had it weapons.
Daramulun - can they talk to women about him.
Wizards How did a man become a wizard?
How did he go up aloft?
Totems Can Kangaroos, Ebai, Bats, Tchuteba, +c
give warning of danger?
Sky What is is? - What is it called - (see first question)