3 W
Native companion - Kūragau - When made free of it.
Crane - Karlo Any one may eat this
Swan - Gidai - ditto
Black Duck - Wreng - Young man can eat any of it
when cooked + given to him by his
"old man" - eg. fathers brother, or mo. br.
Teal - Natath
or Barŭk - Any one may eat this
Wood duck - Djellan -
Nyetat -
Widjeon - Kūrtgan - ditto
Pelican - Būrŭn - only a few old men
eat this.
crow - Ngarūgal - Any one might eat this.
Joe said he sometimes
used to "steal its young
ones" and eat them.
Wongapigeon - Wauk=
Wŭkan - any one may eat this
Bronze wing - Tŭbbŭk -
Lyrebird - Wūreil -
White cockatoo - Bré-ek - ditto
Gang gang - Ker-ēn -
Bk. cockatoo - Ngerŭk -
Musk Duck - Tūk -
Robin - Tūrbring no one will injure this
or Būlis-wreng bird. It is the "guardian
of the Jeraeil". It has
"naial" on its breast and
"mŭrtū" on its forehead.
It is one of the real