Howitt to Fison 12 April 1877

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Transcription - Page 2

However try! try! again! is my motto.
The circular to the Revd R H Codrington
has been sent. leave trusting
answers back all right - I hope you
received Biology - II vol soon to

Re the H. C. it has been a
rather bitter thing to find that
one whom I regarded really
as a friend - and my friends
of twenty years are dear to me
- was not all my family painted
him - but indeed I much
fear all the Inquiry indicated
Since the "Boomerang" letter
other things have occurred
and the matter terminated
in my having a matter

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Document Details

Date 12 April 1877
Letter From Howitt, Alfred William
Letter To Fison, Reverend Lorimer
Country Australia
Holding Institution St Mark's National Theological Centre
Collection Name Alan Tippett/Lorimer Fison Collection
Registration Number tip70-10-33-13
Medium Letter
Region Gippsland
Locality Bairnsdale
Summary Discussion of circulars and correspondents and the collection of information.
Physical Description Handwritten in ink, signed and dated.