definited problem to solve it would
be well if we could both work towards [at - crossed out] the
same end. Do you propose that
I shall continue to make enquiries
as to the extent of the class divided
tribes? If it were possible I should
like to work out some other tribe
in detail say for instance, the
Lake Condah tribe in Western Victoria
(another exception I suspect) or the
Bookoyama tribe, Yorkes Peninsula
SA, or the Dierie Tribe at
Kopperamanna, or even to poach
in Taplin's manner the Narranyeri
But all this would take more than
ten years. If I could go with our successful
first efforts in hand, to the Chief Secretary +
to the Governor, having first made it
square with my political chiefs and
other influential people I might say
"See what we have done and what
is thought of our work". Grate [sic] work
yet remains behind - and it will