Howitt to Fison 3 April 1875

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Transcription - Page 4

I used to know Prof Irving very well and
shall not hesitate to call upon him for help if
you will kindly write to me precisely what it is
that we should ask him. If you will
explain I will call upon the oracle and
I think he will respond. If not - then
I will try Elkington who is lecturer I
think in history +c at the University and
who is much interested in such enquiries
as ours. I think he would go heart and
soul with us. I don't wonder at Irving
'sniffing' at the H.C.

re Thurston. Quamby = camp eg
I have often heard a stockman say "I'm going
to quamby here for the night".
Bullerwang I will enquire as to this
Carpentaria we have two correspondents
Normanton - and Cloncurry River -
or had - they have been swallowed
up by silence during the past twelve
months. I shall stir them up by and bye
with many others. I intend to purchase
Directories of all the colonies and send out
Yours faithfully
A W Howitt

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Document Details

Date 3 April 1875
Letter From Howitt, Alfred William
Letter To Fison, Reverend Lorimer
Country Australia
Holding Institution St Mark's National Theological Centre
Collection Name Alan Tippett/Lorimer Fison Collection
Registration Number tip70-10-33-17
Medium Letter
Region Gippsland
Locality Sale
Summary Content of the letter discusses potential Aboriginal communites to collect information about and how to proceed with their research.
Physical Description Handwritten in ink, signed and dated.