Howitt to Fison 12 July 1880

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Transcription - Page 1

[Written in the upper margin]

Excuse great
haste as I
am just off
for Bairnsdale.
Just now I am
terribly busy having
the general election
on my hands
in addition to
other things.
therefore excuse
the writing
and I daresay
of this note. AWH

Sale, July 12 1880

My dear Mr Fison
Since sending off to you my
rough notes as to Marriage by Capture I have
had it much in my mind and
in order to obtain some light if possible
from the source of light at my command.
I have written to nearly forty correspondents
in Victoria, S. Australia, NS.W and
Queensland on the subject. If you think
it advisable I suggest that you might
write to your correspondents also.
I have found much difficulty in having
such questions as should bring out the
information required. They were as follows:
1. Is marriage permitted with any woman of the tribe
or only with women of certain classes of the tribe?
2. Is it customary for a man to have more than one
wife at the same time?
3. Is the consent of the girls parents or relatives a
necessary preliminary to marriage?
4. Is it customary for the young man to run off
with his future wife without her parents consent?

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Document Details

Date 12 July 1880
Letter From Howitt, Alfred William
Letter To Fison, Reverend Lorimer
Country Australia
Holding Institution St Mark's National Theological Centre
Collection Name Alan Tippett/Lorimer Fison Collection
Registration Number tip70-10-34-3
Medium Letter
Region Gippsland
Locality Sale
Summary A.W. Howitt advises L. Fison, that he has written to almost forty correspondents on the subject of marriage by capture, in order to obtain further information and lists the questions he posted.
Physical Description Handwritten in ink, signed and dated. Additional annotation top of first page.