A. Meston to Howitt 23 April 1893

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Document Details

Date 23 Apr 1893
Letter From Meston, Archibald
Letter To Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Colony/State Queensland
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 259
Medium Letter
Locality Brisbane
Summary A. Meston provides information on class names and language terms, of a number of tribes in Queensland with whom he had had contact, including the Goondoobarrie. The first part of the letter describes an unsatisfactory business relationship with a man named Purcell. Meston accuses Purcell of giving lectures on Aboriginal people based on information provided to him by Meston, and from authorities including Curr, Brough Smyth and Dawson.
Physical Description Letter, handwritten in ink. Three sheets, five pages. Condition: good.