B following A
[As to Wenberi's song I my- crossed out]
Wenberi's song as given by Dr. Torrance differs slightly from
a it as I wrote down from Berak some
time before, which with its translation [of which - crossed out] runs as follows.
"Nge tuigar ngala ngibenba ngalunga
we go all the bones to all of them
diudirunding nga Dullen wiluit
shining white in this Dullen country
waueindung Bunjil mamen-ngata yerrin
The rushing noise of Bunjil father ours singing
thulurm eik nga wurngaluk eik
in breast mine this inside mine
Berak said that this song was made on the death of Wenberi's
brother who died through evil magic in the Dullen country
beyond Geelong. (The corroboree song?)
used to go out a mile or more from the coast in their bark canoe
to spear fish.
As an example of his songs, I give one which he composed when
going down the coast in his boat to attend the Kuringal [initiation - crossed out] cere-
monies which I have described in chapter - [a previous paper- crossed out]
[Note "Australian Ceremonies of Initiation" "Journ. Anthrop.- crossed out]
[Inst", May, 1884- crossed out]
He sang the song in the evening, sitting by his camp fire and beating
time with two short sticks, while an appreciative and admi-
ring audience stood round.
Umbara's Song
Galagala binja buninga ngali
Capsizing me striking me
winbelow jena ngarauan udja
(the) wind blows hard (the) sea long stretched
kandubai buninga melinthi buninga
between striking hard hitting striking
ngali mulari binja buninga
me dashing up me striking