
This document has been transcribed, but is currently awaiting cultural approval before publishing. To enquire about access to this document, please contact the Holding Institution

This document contains references to the following people, places, and cultural groups



Cultural Groups

Document Details

Date 1908 - 1880
Letter From
Letter To
Author Howitt, Mr Alfred William
Country Australia
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number XM 703
Medium Notes
Summary Comparison between a number of groups on the practices involving childbirth. With reference to groups including the Maraura, Kamilaroi, Chepara and Yuin; with reference to the Mikjarawaint, Maraura speaking (Weimbaio), Turribul, Geawe-gal, Tongaranka, Maryborough and Wotjo[balluk]. A.W. Howitt's informants include H. Aldridge, Thos. Petrie, Dr. Mackenzie, J.W. Boultbee, James Gibson, and Mr Naseby.
Physical Description Notes, handwritten in ink, undated. Four sheets, four pages. Condition: foxing; small tears from edges.