mūrŭp can get
food any where.
- Kūlin
Mūrŭp has things like
little spears that are
mūng - they can get
any food they like
- Kangaroo, Emu
possum. And
whitefellows ['have' crossed out]
mūng [?have?] cart
and bullock [??]
They can get food too
- apple & bread
any where they like
because no one
can see them
and when I was
asleep I dreamed
[next page]
I was in a gully
in the ranges - the
piece of ground I sate
on slid down the gully
with me. Then I got
up and saw a big
rock before me
I said Hallo!
I looked at it - and
there was gold running
all over it. I dreamed
this three times.
My Mūrŭp had
gone into the mountains
I never saw the [place?]
before. - I was dreaming
I went for walk by
I am going out every time
to look for this - it must be
a little bit farther out