look after his own
There is the mark where
[God - crossed out] Bunjil sate down
on the rock.
[Near it - crossed out] Opposite it
a little way off is
the place where
Thadagŭn is just like
a black woman.
[Hung?] round with
all kinds of snakes
lizards and guanas.
Bunjil told the
Porcupine to smash
[next page]
the stone for he wanted
his children back.
Thadagŭn was smashed
and only its Mūrŭp
remained. It has
Mūng. But it is
not much bad
because it is
Once [a - crossed out] blackfellas
[has - crossed out] were hunting pheasants
near the plains,
they heard Thadagŭn
coming up - it came
out pure light very
white. They were very
frightened and could
not speak. It warmed