and took him.
The people wanted
him back. She refused
and put him in
a big rock (Cathedral
at theGoulburn River).
The people were very angry
Bunjil collected all
the people then &
the people said how
shall we get him
out. Bunjil said
by that tree - the
porcupine who has
the thunder
smashed up the
tree. Then Bunjil
said to the
[next page]
you go down under
the rock and put
thunder there.
He did this and
smashed the rock.
They took the little boy
out of the split rock.
The old woman
was smashed
up. Then Bunjil
said now you
people learn that
you must not
take little children
that belong to other
people. -------------
Bunjil said they must
never take any child
belonging to any one.
But each must