Crow. = charcoal
Swan. = like emu only
extended out long
Where do you come from?
(as before)
signs - you & what [both underlined]
I come from 3 days East
sign of I [underlined]- sign for far off
sign for 3 = 3 fingers held up
=sign for day = 3 sleeps
How long to you stop here?
sign for what [underlined]
sign you [underlined] sign for ground
Sign sleep [underlined] = point for it
I go back tomorrow!
Sign me [underlined] sign 1 sleep
sign for direction.
[next page]
name of people along coast [all underlined]
East = morn-mot
West = Būng-eng-Būng-eng
North - Bŭr-gai
South - Gūr-rin
Enough - hold out hand
fingers spread = a lot
then pat own breast = I
shake head = no more
no - shake head
Yes - nod head
no more - none
shake hand [??]
and also head twice