all night = move [??] downwards
fist held a little in front of body
and incline head [??]------
sit down. sit down
and look friendly] at man
[next line crossed out]
Go away. back of hand
spread - wave away fingers
Where did they get fire from
Does Bunjil live alone
[next page]
Female Mūrŭp?
Who made the old laws
Deluge stones
[Head - crossed out]
Head - Kau-ang
Hair - Yarri-Kauang
Eye - myrng-atā
nose - Kangatā
or ngambi-Kang
tongue - ngambirding
ngambi = hole
ear - gwerrŭng
Blood - gorūk
Bone - [ngr n crossed out] un-nguen
hand - mymong
Thumb - bapanye mynung
Foot - ajenna
Sun - ngau-wan
moon - myrne-an
[In left margin]
wirngnata - lobe of ear