what did the Jajau -
think of them. Why did
men not like them to be
killed. ---
(6) Did they ever hear of
men running down old
men Jira on foot - or other
men like Bruthen Munji?
(7) Ask [crossed out - major] Captain about
marirne Bek.
(8) What is the meaning
of Koyung-bort
Gardiners Ck.
[next page]
(9) Does William know
what Kurnai call the
bullroarer - shew him
a churinga.
Who is Miman-gurk
(10) Ask [crossed out - major] Captain about
Tatathi, Muthi-muthi
Wathi wathi, Keramin
- are Wembaio belonging
to one of them - which?
Their boundaries:-
(11) Did the Ja-jau have
the būrbŭng?If not what?