casuse of anthropology at present.
and there are no men living
or ever likely to live, so well able
to point out and correct mistakes
on this subject as you four men.
Do think of this. Spencer could
deal with Durkheim, Lang,
Hartland, N. W. Thomas, what's
his name the German missionary,
+c and I know that Roth
was annoyed by Lang's misappreh-
ension of his facts. The volume
might be called "Facts and
fancies about the Australian
aborigines", or some such title.
You might consult with Spencer
about this.
I owe you many apologies for
my tardiness in answering your
letters. I delayed answering the
first till I had received the
reprints of your Folklore paper
and they did not reach me till
towards the end of July. As I
mentioned in my former letter I
think it best not to distribute
these reprints till people begin to
return from their holidays about
the middle of September.