Rain makers
There were old men who were called
"Bunjil Willŭng" who could make rain
come. They obtained their powers in dreams.
To produce rain one of them went down into
a water hole and filling his mouth
squirted in that direction which was
appropriate to his tribe. He then "sang [his - crossed out]
[so- crossed out] the rain". Braiaka squirted water
and sang towards the West the Krauŭn,
the Brataua towards the west also, the
Tatūngalŭng towards the South - the sea,
the Brabra and the Krauatun to the
Belling - the South East wind.
From these quarters their several rains
came. When for instance a nearby rain
came to the BraBra - it was the Braiaka
who sent it and so on. -
The same "Bunjil Willŭng" could
bring thunder.