Krauatun Kurnai
The Krauatun speak a language
very near to the mŭk-thāng
The Braiaka, Brataua and Tatung
speak Nūlart.
The Cabbage tree tabbár and
the flag root – dūrūk were used
for food, baked and eaten; King Charley
says that the tabbár was very like
the head of the ferntree- gárūk
-i.e. of that one which has small
hooklets on the under side of the
midrib of the frond.
The root of the “convolvulus sepium”
- ngūrŭng – was eaten.
King Charley says that the Pleiades were called
“Laúeri” = the women but that the
other stars only were “Brīl” = stars.