Names of the Eucalypts given to them by the Gippsland Aborigines
Kurnai names for the Eucalypts
in the Mŭk thāng Dialect (2)
E. Amygdalina - [tick] Chūnchŭka
Amygdalina - (b) Katalalak or Yertchuk
amygdalina - (c)-------------------------------- wang-ngara (2)
Botryoides - [tick] Binak
Capitellata - [tick] [crossed out Dūmŭng Gūyŭn-gūyŭn] [dūmŭng?]
Eugenioides - [tick] [crossed out Dūmŭng] yangūra
Globulus - [tick] [crossed out Binak] (Balūk) - wang njara (2)
Goniocalyx - [tick] Bálūk
Gunii - [tick] Gūra binak
Hemiphloia - [tick] Dēn or Dérn [word crossed out]
Leucoxylon - [tick] Yirik or Bwŭrawi
Macrorhyncha - [tick] [Káta katak?] or [(Yūróka)]
(3) [Thang quai?]
Melliodora - [tick] Dárgan
Obliqua - [tick] Káta katak
Odorata - [tick] Dargan
Pauciflora - [tick] Bŭndagra
3 -Piperita - [tick] Yángūra
Polyanthema - [tick] Den (or Dern)
10-Pulverulenta - Bindŭrk [(word crossed out)]
Sieberiana - Yauŭt
Stellulata - Yīmbit
Stuartiana - Bŭt Bŭt
Tereticornis - Yūro
5- Viminalis - Binak
11- [four lines bracketed crossed out] wang-ngara
[Line crosssed out]
Tristania laurina - Gūyŭr
[circle with dot] Mŭkthang (i.e. Excellent speech) was spoken by the [Brabolenj? or Brabolung Kurnai who
inhabited the country [upon?] Mitchell, Nicholson Tambo River; [near? or the?] Kruatun Kurnai camp
[?] [try?] [Dr?]. camp & spoke the [word crossed out] Thang-quai or " broad speech"; the
[Brayakalung?] Kurnai inhabited the south of the Avon, Macalister, Thompson [fl?] River &
spoke the Muk Thang or variations of it with Bratàua [two words crossed out]
and Tatung Kurnai who inhabited the country between lakes
and the sea in South gippsland
sea [Nulit?] spoke the Nūlit
[writing on LHS]
(2) E amygdalina is [Erica?] [rest of line crossed out]
The bark of the tree is extremely tough and can be stripped up the bole in long stripes. That of E globulus
is not so tough but hangs at times when falling off from the limbs & [trunk?] in long strings from which [perhaps?] the
South Gippsland black called it Wang ngara. [rest of line crossed out]
But wanj = bark and ngara = string or tough [as?] [?] [ngarang]] = sinew
the application of such a term is much [more?] [appropriate?] E amygladina [(4)?]
than to E globulus.