[left hand page]
[rough notes on the bottom right]
[gulke?] [guli]
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[right hand page]
Relationships [Underlined]
Grandfather Paternal - father's father - [crossed out: bren] breng-kūrūng - grandson brang
"[under grandfather] Maternal - mother's father - ditto - grandson - malan
fath broth
" sister
mother --
" sist
" broth
[written over to right side]
M - daughter's son - ngakǔp
F - " " - gōgōk
[resuming left hand transcription]
Elde Bro Bangan
Young " dedjet
Eld sistr lūnduk
youngr dedjet
Father Sist child kakai
Moth Bro child wūrmgain -Boy
bambrǔ girl
husband - nangūrūng
" brother - " "
F. sister husband - nangūrūng
wife - birmbang or ūmǔrk
wife sister - " "
M. brother wife - birmbang
F. brother's wife - ūmǔrk
M. sister's husband - gūreitch
[written on right hand side]
M - son’s wife mangep
M daughter’s husbd gūntalang
F son’s wife ker-ene
F daughtr husb gweabŭn
F. husbd’s father mamŭng
M. wifes father gūntalang
F. husband mother ker-ene
M. wife’s mother gweabŭn
written inside a box
may a man - "see" the
mother of his brother wife?