Howitt to Fison 11/2/1878

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Transcription - Page 1

Feby 11 1878

My dear Mr Fison

I have now three of your letters to
reply to. I was very much gratified to
see by your last that the clonus had
passed over, your former letters made me
seriously uneasy about you. Now however
I feel sure that you will be able to continue
your work and surely in time the effect
of the whooping cough will wear themselves
out. It does not do to take a gloomy view
of one's health - the mind can react very
forcibly upon the body. It is now my
turn to prognosticate evil as to our labours
or rather as to my share of them. We have
had a revolutionary crisis here. The Council
threw out the appropriation bill because it
included payment to members. Berry
and his crew in revenge, on the plea that
they had no money discharged at a moments
notice the County Court Judge, the Police Magistrate

the Revd Lorimer Fison

[written across top of page]
then you can
examine it under
the microscope.
If you have any
rocks in your district
- granites, bluestone
+c you could
chip off a piece,
say the size of a shilling
and twice as
thick from which
I [??] prepare
"sections". These
chips of rock we
can send here
as "samples"
and I suppose
you can do the same as Fiji
A good [may- crossed out] many
can go for 2 here.
Yours sincerely
A W Howitt

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Document Details

Date 11 February 1878
Letter From Howitt, Alfred William
Letter To Fison, Reverend Lorimer
Country Australia
Holding Institution St Mark's National Theological Centre
Collection Name Alan Tippett/Lorimer Fison Collection
Registration Number tip70-10-33-16
Medium Letter
Region Gippsland
Locality Bairnsdale
Summary Content of the letter provides Rev Fison with update of matters occupying A.W. Howitt's time. Political crisis in Victorian government and geology.
Physical Description Handwritten in ink, signed and dated. Additional annotation top of first page, including signature .