Fison to Howitt 10 June 1884

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Transcription - Page 2

as she insisted on doing some
shopping there, I availed [??]
of the opportunity of rushing
off to the P.L. and got some hours
reading or more while she was
revelling in a chaos of drappery and
millinery. I send you the results.
Yesterday morn I went to
the P.L. and to my infinite disgust
found that it was closed until
further notice for the annual
cleaning etc. No [??]
was given in the papers. So my
occupation is gone for a time and
by the intensity of my disappoint-
-ment I know what a hold the
work has taken upon me. It is
impossible for me to "go easy" at it
if I go at all. I must either
give myself wholly to it, or abandon
in toto. However mere reading
would do any harm, it is does not
set the mind working on new

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Document Details

Letter From
Letter To
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name
Registration Number XM159
Physical Description