Fison to Howitt 10 June 1884

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Transcription - Page 3

problems. My wife and I called
at the Pres. Ladies Coll: yesterday
and saw Miss Howitt, who was
looking exceedingly bright an well.
She has promised to come out
to us next Sat week. She could
not come on Sat next. Mrs Howitt
would have been pleased to hear
the words in which the impression
her daughter made upon my
wife was conveyed to one on our

I will bring your copy of the
Deme + the Horde with me on
Friday. Will you note down the
titles of the most important works
you know of? There is not much
in the gallery of the P.L. as far as
I have been able to see. The best
works will be downstairs I sup-
-pose, amongs Travels etc. Will it
not be well to read up the
New Zealand literature also? [?]
While we are about it, we might

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Document Details

Letter From
Letter To
Holding Institution Museums Victoria
Collection Name
Registration Number XM159
Physical Description