March fly Ngárawat
Mŭk Kurnai are:
Wambat=Narūt, Gūla = native sloth bear
Watthŭn = opossum, Bat-alūk = Iguana
Takwŭn = Black wallaby, Djira = Kangaroo,
Baru = native Dog, Gändū - whale
Gūrnŭn = seal, Gwanŭmŭrŭng = Eaglehawk
Biwing = large Hawk (this is a Mŭk rūkŭt)
Bárndagrin - mopoke, Būrŭn = Pelican
Tedalek = Frog, Ngarūgal = crow, Tataulūk =
Leatherhead (Mūk rūkŭt), Karlū = Blue crane
None of the Snakes, cockatoos (3), musk [?crow?]
Laughing Jackass are of the Muk Kurnai.
They are only Jiak = meat = flesh food
What tree is that? Ngānda galaga?
What Blackfellow that? Nganda Kurnaia?
Here I am Dindaga ngaiu!
Wūda [pa- crossed out] plapanale?
Where going to?
That way - (Jerking the chin towards the direction)
Dina ngaiu wūrin worijala
Coming to me the sun is rising
i.e. The sun is going to rise.
wrūkanala werna plapana Niborthorūka
Early in the morning we two will walk to Nigorthūrūk
Leën Wrŭk wrūkanal
Fine sky/ground tomorrow i.e. a fine day tomorrow
The word wrŭk is used either for the ground or
for the sky - in this sense "a clear sky".