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Miringŭna dŭrŭgan [Brewinda - crossed out]
Look point throwing stick
(mre = eye)
art Kriwéa Brewinda
that way (East) of Brewin
Kŭrnunga nini wa
not far Red Bluff (at)
Q. Wūda Plápanale?
when you go to
Q. Ūla
which way?
A. Mūla Kŭrnŭnga
down there
not far away
a little way
Wangea grew-a
Place of sunrise (East) Drt Krauéa
[ditto] sunset (West) Dé-aua
North - Tŭb-birra
South - Kátter
mŭk mŭnar - Blue Mt [?pamguch?]
Turdigco Kurnai mūna art Krauea
dead man up then to the East
(blackfellow) over there
[written in the side margin]
see page. 1