Questions for William Berak

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Transcription - Page 7

For William Berak
[written in pencil ] Darr Kan
Mokolom beitch - Bunjil - Buffalo Range
(1) Does he remember a Nurungaeta called Kul-ler-kul-lup
who long ago came when there was a big lot of Kulin
where Merri Creek joins the Yarra. They came from back
of the Delatite River. Billi-bileri said the Kuller Kullup
told him [that - crossed out] there were people living in the Alps who inhabited
only the Rocky parts + had homes in caves - + that these people
gave the Australians corroborees - Kuller Kul lup got corroborees
himself in dreams.
22 (2) Who was Bun-ger-ring of the Mt Macedon tribe

23 (3) Stanbridge says (a) Couit-gil, the spirit of the departed

24 (b) At Fiery creek are two Neulam-Kurrk - inhabiting caves
and holes - old woman steals children + eats them
also col-bum-at-uan-Kurrk - throws trees down
hurts people by branches falling.

also a good spirit named Barn-bunjil

25 (c) Sun made by Pupperimbul - (Estrelda temporalis)
one of the Nurrumbung-uttias - or old spirits - (like Muk-Kurnai)
26 (d) Warepil (Sirius) male Eagle - a chief of Nurrumbung-uttias
and brother of War-

27 Collow-gullouric Ware-pil (Rigel) Female Eagle Wife of
28 War-(Canopus) Male Crow. Brother of Warepil + first to
bring fire from Tyrille (space)
29 Collow-gullouric War (a large red star) Female crow
Wife of War


[written in left side margin]
down to
see hi

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Document Details

Letter From
Letter To
Author Howitt, Alfred William
Country Australia
Holding Institution State Library of Victoria
Collection Name Alfred W. Howitt Collection
Registration Number MS9356/429
Medium Notes
Summary MS 9356 [Series] Correspondence and notes concerning aboriginal tribes - Aboriginal tribes of Victoria. [Sub Series] Wurunjerri (See also Kulin nation and Port Phillip) [Item Title] Questions from A. W. Howitt for William Berak, Shaw's tribal informant and notes. [Summary note] 16 pages. Box 1054 [Folder] 1(a) [State Library Victoria record 2018]
Physical Description Handwritten in ink. Undated and unsigned. Possibly a draft? First 10 pages contains a list of questions. Some subheadings throughout. Last 6 pages are notes. Includes 2 sketch maps.